Xinyuan Bleaching Earth

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How to measure moisture in activated bleaching earth?

Here are a few steps that you should be aware about. When the time comes to understand more about measuring moisture in activated bleaching earth, you will need to complete a few essential steps. Moisture content refers to the amount of water in activated bleaching earth. It certainly makes sense to find out how much water content there is in activated bleaching earth. The simple truth is that if the moisture content in activated bleaching earth is too high it will reduce the ability of fuller’s earth to absorb color. What’s more, when the moisture content is too high it also causes the activated bleaching earth to clot.

Before measuring moisture in activated bleaching earth, it pays to keep in mind the fact that the maximum amount of water in good quality fuller’s earth is exactly twelve percent. So, before using fuller’s earth, it makes sense to measure it for its moisture content. Here are a few simple steps to help you with measuring moisture in activated bleaching earth.

The first step in so far as measuring moisture in activated bleaching earth goes is to weigh the activated bleaching earth powder. The right amount of activated bleaching earth powder is precisely ten grams. Take this amount of fuller’s earth and then place it in an oven. Heat up the fuller’s earth for about fifteen minutes at a temperature of two hundred and fifty degrees Centigrade.

After heating the fuller’s earth for fifteen minutes at a temperature of two hundred and fifty degrees Centigrade, put of the oven and allow thirty minutes to cool down the fuller’s earth. Now it is time to weigh the activated bleaching earth. It may now have a weight of nine grams.
To measure the moisture in the activated bleaching earth you have to use a simple formula. Subtract the original amount of fuller’s earth from the weight of the fuller’s earth after it was removed from the oven. In this measuring exercise, the weight of the fuller’s earth (prior to heating in the oven) was ten grams. The weight of the fuller’s earth after heating in the oven was nine grams. Thus the amount of moisture in the activated bleaching earth is ten grams minus nine grams or one gram. This can also be stated as a percentage which can be calculated by multiplying one hundred by one divided by ten. The resultant percentage works out to ten percent or 1/10 x 100% = 10%.

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